Vzhledem k tomu, že se stále ještě občas vyskytují "proroctví" o konci metafyziky, bude nejspíš užitečné uvést si některé z nejnovějších antologií a průvodců k současné metafyzice, která do svých publikačních plánů zařazují všechna prestižní anglo-americká akademická nakladatelství. Jedná se o empirický důkaz toho, že metafyzika žije ... (Po pravdě řečeno ale dnešní chápání toho, co patří do metafyziky a co ne, je zcela nebulózní - jak je zřejmé z níže uvedených obsahů; témeř všechna "metafyzická témata" jsou podstatným způsobem diskutována i v knihách z logiky, filosofii jazyka, epistemologie, filosofie mysli, filosofie vědy, filosofie náboženství, příp. občas i etiky a estetiky, a dále v řadách věnovaných historii filosofie).
Gale, Richard M., ed.
(Blackwell 2002)
1. Physics, Metaphysics, and Method in Newton's Dynamics (Lawrence Sklar)
2. Causation (Wesley Salmon)
3. What Events Are (Jonathan Bennett)
4. Time, Temporality and Paradox (Richard M. Gale)
5. A Thomist Metaphysics (John Haldane)
6. The Concept of Ontological Category: a New Approach (Lorenz Puntel)
7. Universals and Predication (Bruce Aune)
8. Composition as a Fiction (Gideon Rosen and Cian Dorr)
9. What Do We Refer To When We Say 'I'? (Peter van Inwagen)
10. Personal Identity: The Non-Branching Form of 'What Matters' (Jennifer E. Whiting)
11. Idealism (T.L.S. Sprigge)
12. An Idealistic Realism: Presuppositional Realism and Justifcatory Idealism (Nicholas Rescher)
13. Overcoming a Dualism of Concepts and Causes: The Basic Argument of 'Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind' (Robert Brandom)
14. Metaphysical Realism and Logical Nonrealism (Panayot Butchvarov)
15. The Metaphysics of Possibilia (William Lycan)
16. The Actual and the Possible (Alexander Pruss)
Michael J. Loux and Dean W. Zimmerman, eds.
(OUP Press 2003)
I. Universals and Particulars
1. Nominalism (Zoltan Gendler Szabo)
2. Platonistic Theories of Universals (Joshua Hoffman and Gary S. Rosenkrantz)
3. Individuation (E. J. Lowe)
II. Existence and Identity
4. Identity (John Hawthorne)
5. Existence, Ontological Commitment, and Fictional Entities (Peter van Inwagen)
III. Modality and Possible Worlds
6. The Reduction of Possiblia (Kit Fine)
7. Reductive Theories of Modality (Theodore Sider)
IV. Time, Space-Time, and Persistence Presentism
8. Presentism (Thomas M. Crisp)
9. Four-Dimensionalism (Michael C. Rea)
10. Space-Time Substantivalism (Graham Nerlich)
11. Persistence through Time (Sally Haslanger)
V. Events, Causation, and Physics
12. Events (Peter Simons)
13. Causation and Supervenience (Michael Tooley)
14. Causation in a Physical World (Hartry Field)
15. Distilling Metaphysics from Quantum Mechanics (Tim Maudlin)
VI. Persons and the Nature of Mind
16. Material People (Dean W. Zimmerman)
17. The Ontology of the Mental (Howard Robinson)
18. Supervenience, Emergence, Realization, Reduction (Jaegwon Kim)
VII. Freedom of the Will
19. Libertarianism (Carl Ginet)
20. Compatibilism (Ted Warfield)
VIII. Anti-Realism and Vagueness
21. Dummett on Realism and Anti-Realism(Michael J. Loux)
22. Ontological and Conceptual Relativity and the Self (Ernest Sosa)
23. Vagueness in Reality (Timothy Williamson)
Tim Crane and Katalin Farkas, eds.
(OUP Press 2004)
I. God
1. Why Anything? Why This? (Derek Parfit)
2. The five ways (Thomas Aquinas)
3. Extract from Natural Theology (William Paley)
4. Extract from Proslogion (Anselm of Canterbury)
5. Extract from Monadology (G.W. Leibniz)
6. Evil and omnipotence (J.L. Mackie)
II Realism and Idealism
7. Selection from Essay Concerning Human Understanding (John Locke)
8. Selection from Three Dialogues (George Berkeley)
9. Selection from Critique of Pure Reason (Immanuel Kant)
10. Selection from Matter and Sense (Howard Robinson)
11. Realism (Michael Dummett)
III Being
12. Selection from Categories (Aristotle)
13. Selection from Essay Concerning Human Understanding (John Locke)
14. Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity (Robert Merrihew Adams)
15. On what there is (W.V. Quine)
16. Selection from Material Beings (Peter van Inwagen)
17. Can there be vague objects? (Gareth Evans)
18. Vague Identity: Evans misunderstood (David Lewis)
IV. Universals and Particulars
19. Plato: Selections from Republic and Parmenides
20. D.M. Armstrong: Selection from Universals: An Opinionated Introduction
21. David Lewis: Selection from New work for a theory of universals
22. Donald C. Williams: On the Elements of Being: I
23. Sydney Shoemaker: Causality and Properties
V. Necessity
24. Selection from Naming and Necessity (Saul Kripke)
25. Selection from On the Plurality of Worlds (David Lewis)
26. Actualism and Possible Worlds (Alvin Plantinga)
27. Selection from A Combinational Theory of Possibility (D.M. Armstrong)
VI. Causation
28. Selection from Metaphysics (Aristotle)
29. Selection from Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (David Hume)
30. Causation (David Lewis)
31. Causal Relations (Donald Davidson)
32. Selections from The Faces of Causation (D.H. Mellor)
VII. Time and Space
33. Selection from Physics (Aristotle)
34. Selection from The Nature of Existence ( J.M.E McTaggart)
35. Changes in Events and Changes in Things (Arthur N. Prior)
36. Selection from Asymmetries in Time (Paul Horwich)
37. Selection from The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence
38. The space-time world (J.J.C. Smart)
39. The Paradoxes of Time Travel (David Lewis)
VIII. Identity
40. Identity through Time (Roderick M. Chisholm)
41. Selection from On the Plurality of Worlds (David Lewis)
42. Personal Identity (Derek Parfit)
43. Persons, Animals, and Ourselves (P.F. Snowdon)
IX. Mind and Body
44. Selection from Meditations on First Philosophy (Rene Descartes)
45. Selection from New System of the Nature of Substances (G.W. Leibniz)
46. Selections from Thought (Gilbert Harman)
47. Psychophysical and theoretical identifications (David Lewis)
48. Selection from Thinking Causes (Donald Davidson)
49. What is it like to be a bat? (Thomas Nagel)
X. Freedom and Determinism
50: Selection from Treatise of Human Nature (David Hume)
51. Freedom of the will and the concept of a person (Harry Frankfurt)
52. The incompatibility of freewill and determinism (Peter van Inwagen)
53. Freedom from Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Free Will (Barry Loewer)
54. Human Freedom and the self (Roderick M. Chisholm)
LePoidevin, Robin; Simons, Peter; McGonigal, Andrew; Cameron, Ross, eds.
(Routledge 2009)
General Introduction (Robin Le Poidevin)
Part 1: History of Metaphysics (Peter Simons)
1. Pre-Socratic Themes: Being, Not-being and Mind (David Sedley)
2. Plato: Arguments for Forms (Richard Patterson)
3. Aristotle: Form, Matter and Substance (Stephen Makin)
4. Aristotle: Time and Change (Ursula Coope)
5. Medieval Metaphysics 1: The Problem of Universals (Claude Panaccio)
6. Medieval Metaphysics 2: Things, Non-things, God and Time (John Marenbon)
7. Descartes: The Real Distinction (Dugald Murdoch)
8. Hobbes: Matter, Cause and Motion George (MacDonald Ross)
9. Spinoza: Substance, Attribute and Mode (Richard Glauser)
10. Locke: The Primary and Secondary Quality Distinction (Lisa Downing)
11. Leibniz: Mind-body Causation and Pre-established Harmony (Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra)
12. Berkeley: Arguments for Idealism (Tom Stoneham)
13. Hume: Necessary Connections and Distinct Existences (Alexander Miller)
14. Kant: The Possibility of Metaphysics (Lucy Allais)
15. Hegel and Schopenhauer: Reason and Will (Rolf-Peter Horstmann)
16. Anti-Metaphysics I: Nietzsche (Maudemarie Clark)
17. Bradley: the Supra-relational Absolute (William Mander)
18. Whitehead: Process and Cosmology (Peter Simons)
19. Heidegger: The Question of Being (Herman Philipse)
20. Anti-Metaphysics II: verificationism and kindred views (Cheryl Misak)
21. Metaphysics revivified (Avrum Stroll)
Part 2: Ontology: On What Exists (Ross P. Cameron)
22. To Be (Christopher Daly)
23. Not to Be (Graham Priest)
24. Razor Arguments (Peter Forrest)
25. Substance (David Robb)
26. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties (Ross P. Cameron)
27. Universals: The Contemporary Debate (Fraser McBride)
28. Particulars (Herbert Hochberg)
29. Persistence, Composition and Identity (Nikk Effingham)
30. Relations (John Heil)
31. Facts, Events and States of Affairs (Julian Dodd)
32. Possible Worlds and Possibilia (John Divers)
33. Mathematical Entities (Peter Clark)
34. Fictional Objects (Richard Hanley)
35. Vagueness (Elizabeth Barnes)
36. Minor Entities: Surfaces, Holes and Shadows (Roberto Casati)
37. Truth-Makers and Truth-Bearers (John Bigelow)
38. Values (Kevin Mulligan)
Part 3: Metaphysics and Science (Robin Le Poidevin)
39. Space, Absolute and Relational (Tim Maudlin)
40. The Infinite (Daniel Nolan)
41. The Passage of Time (Eric Olsen)
42. The Direction of Time (D. H. Mellor)
43. Causation (Michael Tooley)
44. Laws and Dispositions (Stephen Mumford)
45. Probability and Determinism (Philip Percival)
46. Essences and Natural Kinds (Alexander Bird)
47. Metaphysics and Relativity (Katherine Hawley)
48. Metaphysics and Quantum Physics (Peter J. Lewis)
49. Supervenience, Reductionism and Emergence (Howard Robinson)
50. Biometaphysics (Barry Smith)
51. Social Entities (Amie L. Thomasson)
52. The Mental and the Physical (Louise Antony)
53. The Self (John Campbell)
A Short Glossary of Metaphysics (Peter Simons and Ross P. Cameron)