pátek 2. září 2011

Nizozemí 2: Sympozium na Radboud University

V Nijmegenu se účastním sympozia "Metaphysics in the Later Middle Ages (XIVth-XVth): Decline or Revival?", které pořádá Center for the History of Philosophy and Science na Radboud University. Program na dnešek:

Fabrizio Amerini (Parma): Metaphysics and the 'Metaphysics' in the later Middle Ages.

Martin Pickavé (Toronto): What is Metaphysics Good For? Reflections on Ockham and Buridan.

Timothy B. Noone (Washington): Scotist metaphysics in fifteenth-century Paris: Nicholas Orbellis, Johannes de Caulaincourt, and Petrus Tartaretus.

Gabriele Galluzzo (Pisa): Some Observations on Paul of Venice's Commentaries on Metaphysics 

Andrea Robiglio (Leuven): Metaphysical issues in the Topics: From Albert ... to John Buridan

Alessandro Conti (L'Aquila): Late medieval Realist and Nominalist Catalogues of the World Compared

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